Society has quickly adapted to the changes induced by the pandemic, and the digital transformation has been accelerated. But with it came the associated risks posed by cybercriminals.
The telecom industry has occupied an important place in all socio-economic strata, the Internet and connectivity being vital for anyone, in the conditions of online education and telework. All industries are dominated by digital technology, and innovation is present in any process to adapt to the new reality.
Changes are expected, both for the IT industry, which will have to adapt to the level of optimization of services and products offered, and to the level of companies in other fields.
All these profound changes are generated by public policies and new regulations.
At this event we talk about all these changes, about innovation, products and services that private suppliers have thought of to meet the public sector, but also to streamline business in other areas.
We are talking about the latest cyber security solutions in front of the most inventive hackers.
#2021 IT&C SUMMIT will be broadcast online on the website (Top 10 most read News and Analysis sites in Romania, according to SATI – average monthly traffic of over 2.1 million unique per month) and on the Newsweek Romania‘s Facebook page (over 51,000 followers and a monthly reach of posts of over 5 million people).
Secretary of State, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization
Alexandru Bologan is Secretary of State at the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization.
Entrepreneur in the IT&C field, Mr. Alexandru Bologan managed to develop several companies, which offer integrated digital management solutions.
Involved for over 15 years in the digitization industry, he knows the business environment and the development needs of this field.
One of the companies developed by Alexandru Bologan has come to provide software and IT solutions in over 800 companies in the domestic market.
He also developed a programming hub, which implements applications for the corporate environment.
Within the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, the Secretary of State deals with the field of electronic communications and postal services and is to be responsible for the Government's strategies, regulations and policies in the field of communications.
Alexandru Bologan has a degree in legal and administrative sciences from Dimitrie Cantemir University. He speaks English, Italian, Russian.
Director of the National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC)
Chairman of the IT&C Committee, Chamber of Deputies
Research Scientist at Google DeepMind
Former Minister of Communications, RePatriot Initiator
Country Manager, Ericsson România
Dragoş Mircea Rebegea este Country Manager România și Head of Sales România și Moldova al Ericsson, începând cu 1 noiembrie 2017.
Are o experienţă de peste 25 de ani în industria telecom, dintre care 21 în cadrul Ericsson.
A ocupat numeroase funcţii de conducere în regiunea Europei de Sud-Est în vânzări tehnice şi general management, inclusiv poziţia de country manager al Ericsson Albania între 2012 și Key Account Manager pentru cei mai important clienți ai Ericsson din România și Moldova.
În acest moment Ericsson are în Romania un număr de aproape 4000 de angajați, în două hub-uri principale de business: București (ce include și centrul global de operare și mentenanță) și Timișoara cu facilitățile de producție a unor componente importante din portofoliul de produse Ericsson.
Dragoş Mircea Rebegea deţine o diplomă de master în Inginerie Electrică de la Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti, este absolvent al programului de Executive MBA al ASEBUSS, Kenessaw State University, Atlanta și a unui program executiv la London Business School.
Vice President of the CA DIGI Group RCS & RDS
Business Growth Enthusiast, Arggo Consulting
Director of the Information Technology Department, Romgaz
Vice-President, Head of Commercial Division, SIMAVI
Regional Director of Gov. Affairs and Strategic Accounts - Bitdefender
Marketing Director, Setrio Soft
Absolvent al Facultății de Automatică și al unui MBA al Școlii de business Asebuss, a crescut timp de 12 ani o carieră în vânzări și marketing în zona automotive.
În urmă cu 3 ani a acceptat un nou challenge de a gândi și dezvolta produse software pentru industria de sănătate și logistică la Setrio.
Este partener într-un proiect de start-up românesc pentru conceptul smart-city.
Setrio Soft este o companie cu capital 100% românesc care, din 2004, produce instrumente software pentru eficientizarea proceselor operaționale în industriile de sănătate și logistică.
Viziunea Setrio pornește de la ideea că, organizațiile care își valorifică datele pentru a obține perspective și a construi procese inteligente le vor depăși pe cele care nu urmează acest traseu.
Echipa Setrio își dorește să fie prima alegere pentru profesioniștii din domeniile sănătății și logisticii oriunde în lume unde soluțiile digitale pot aduce avantaj competitiv.
În România, peste 2.000 medici și asistenți și peste 11.000 de farmaciști folosesc zilnic un soft Setrio.
Setrio pune la dispoziția farmaciștilor din România platforma B2B GoPharma, platformă în care se operează lunar peste 55.000 comenzi de produse farmaceutice și peste 70.000 facturi electronice.
Director of the Remote Operations Department, CEC Bank
CEC Bank is the financial institution with the longest tradition. Founded in 1864, the bank currently has the largest national network, with over 1,000 branches and territorial and active units of 41.25 billion lei, at the end of 2020.
CEC Bank is a top universal bank on the Romanian market, which offers a complete range of products and services to individuals, SMEs and large corporations, through multiple distribution channels.
In 2020, CEC Bank started an ambitious digitization project, being among the first banks to implement flows for 100% online contracting of bank accounts, personal loans and credit cards.
Cyber Security Officer, Huawei Romania
Legal and Corporate Relations Director, Telekom Romania
Florina Tănase holds the position of Legal Director and Corporate Relations of Telekom Romania and has 16 years of experience in executive management positions in the fields of legal, corporate governance, regulation, compliance, security, CSR and communication, in highly regulated industries such as telecom and farma.
With a history of outstanding professional performance, Florina Tănase is a graduate of the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, holds a Master's degree in European Union law, as well as a Master's degree in Competition Culture at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
He also attended a training course at London Business School and has an EMBA Tiffin University and the University of Bucharest.
He holds international internships in mergers and acquisitions and in Business Organizations, obtained from the International Bar Association and College of Law of England and Wales and follows the International Directors Program at INSEAD.
Speakers: Anton Rog, Dan Cîmpean
Speakers: Mugurel Podaru, Adrian Boiarciuc, Alexandru Coșbuc-Ionescu, Radu Atanasescu
Speakers: Alexandru Bologan, Sabin Sărmaș, Andrei Ioniță, Dragoș-Mircea Rebegea
Speakers: Marius Săceanu, Valentin Popoviciu, Florina Tănase, Sergiu Zaharia
Speakers: Marius Bostan, Alexandru Radu, Viorica Pătrăucean, Liviu Dinu