This situation brings to the fore the need to use energy from renewable sources, to abandon fossil fuels and to accelerate reforms to implement the European Green Pact.
This agreement, adopted at European Union level, has set very clear and quantifiable targets, to be achieved by 2050, and is a topical issue that is provoking heated debate in all Member States of the Community.
Although the target may seem to be at a very distant date, experts say that Romania has a chance to reach it only if it begins to constantly apply measures now and if it is involved with maximum responsibility for the radical transformation of the national energy system.
And this change involves significant investments in new production capacity, in smart grids, new ways to capitalize on natural gas / nuclear power plants, to support the integration and transition process.
What measures will the authorities take to protect the population against energy prices, with all the consequences derived from them in all areas of activity, how and how long can Romania switch to the use of energy from renewable sources, but also what other
measures should be taken for energy efficiency, are questions we will try to answer in this event. We will discuss the population protection programs, the necessary investment programs in the energy field and the financing methods, but also about the state of updating the legislation.
The event will take place online and will be broadcast live on (Top 10 most read News and Analysis sites in Romania in the ranking published by SATI, with a traffic of over 2,2 million unique readers per month) and on the Facebook page of Newsweek Romania (over 55,000 followers and a monthly impact of posts – reach – of over 5 million people.
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Executive Director, Electricity Producers Association - HENRO
MP at Romanian Parliament, Chamber of Deputies
Chief Financial Officer, Chimcomplex
Executive Director, Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation
➜ The stage of exploitation of the Black Sea gas;
➜ How will the BRUA project help and when will it become operational?
➜ What are the solutions of public authorities to protect the population against fuel prices and their effects throughout the economy?
Speakeri: Silvia Vlăsceanu, Virgil Popescu, Zoltan Nagy-Bege, Dumitru Chisăliță, Adrian Dumitriu
➔ Accelerating the investment pace, in correlation with the connection to the current energy system;
➔ Importance of refurbishment / construction of nuclear power plants and hydropower plants and impact on the energy market;
➔ Development of the transport network for energy from renewable sources;
➔ Mobility without pollution-solutions of fuel suppliers;
➔ Funding projects in the authorities' priorities;
➔ Elimination of the OPCOM monopoly;
➔ Optimization of the Offshore law / Offshore wind law / Fit for 55 law / Important changes that were brought to Law no. 121/2014 on energy efficiency.
Speakers: Cristina Prună, Sándor Bende, Radu Dudău, Cosmin Ghiță